Friday, May 9, 2008

ThE BegINninG

...........First day of school.....little did we all realise that we were in for a real ride..!!!!!!!wheeeee!!
new books,new rules,new teachers....a new beginnig.........BANG!!!!! that was the sound of a bench tipping all must be wondering how it happened(well it still remains a mystery!)
our class teacher at first seemed to be quite cool and sweet and we were really happy to have her as our teacher....but then the next day she didnt come..and the day after....and after that
still no teacher...since we were having loads of fun we didnt seem to be to bothered about it.
no homework,no classes,no teachers....this was the routine for the first few weeks..ah it was really swell! and then we got our new teacher she seemed nice..And then it all began..........


Priya Joyce said...

Its good to share your experiences. Found it interesting write more.

Sneha said...

u seem to foret a few stuff eh?? write more and xpand this blog---ur doin good to the world!! :p

barry said...

nice.. keep up the good work.. try not to make your blog all glittering and thrashed with colors.. it attracts more attention when its compact and stylish rather than when its pompous..

shruthi said...

i thank all of u for ur comments.....and yea will also keep in mind the tips which u ppl gave !!

Unknown said...

hmm good work shruti
dont overact for this u should expand this blog and write more

shruthi said...

thnx nut![me referring to kushal!]
i will .problem is i dont have time!u see!

Unknown said...

awesum blog..!
i seriously cant beleiv u cud do al dis...!
n e wayz...keep it up..!
lyk wat kushal nd sneha said...expand da blog..nd ad more fotos..!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

samma ya!!

i luv the collage!!
9g will never be forgotten by any of us..

keep writing more abt our class & add lots of pics

Sneha said...

how come all those stuff abt every person isnt here anymore???????
where did it all go??
post them back---ur good at this yaar---keep goin na?